Ceeb Jin American

Well Jainaba and I decided we wanted to practice being Senegalese... really we are just american. But it was FUN!!! we went to the Grand Asia market to get our fresh veggies. I had been there with Cristina and saw they had a little bit more authentic/ international market style foods than Food Lion. So, off we went. We got real short grain rice, casava( the woody looking thing), chinese eggplant bc the regular kind was the size of our head! and the smallest HUGE cabbage we could find. we got some kind of chinese potato, which i thought looked more like potatoes in senegal. and we got LIMES of course. we lacked Bee sap! sad -- so important to cebb jin!
We got back and started to work. We started with the seasoning for the fish! yummmm it smelled so good and strong of course! we didnt have a fresh fish, so we substituted some good ole AB flounder. I learned why the senegalese use such a big "dubb" the size DOES matter, my miniature one just didnt cut it. Jainaba started cutting the veggies. That chinese potato was NOT anything we had ever seen before! IT WAS PURPLE. Bright purple. interesting. we carried on with the process....just as the senegalese taught me :) fish done, then veggies, then the rice. the rice is really what stumped up. we didnt have a steamer thing like they did... so we sufficed.
One glitch, those purple potatoes.... our rice turned purple. Result: Ceeb Jim American!