So much to be thankful for...

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the family. Here are a few pics for those that missed it. and You were truly missed...

new engagements- this is me representing the excitement for my own engagement AND my sisters too!! cant wait to see her pretty ring.
new baby-- the first Gardner great-grandchild- Anna Lauren

and many more we already love. It is such a rich time when we all are together. How Blessed we are :) I am grateful for my family. God has graciously called each to himself in his grace. Praise the Lord.

Highlights from the week

Well I'll start from the beginning...
Sunday began with baptisms at my church- what an encouragement. I loved hearing testimonies of faith from people from all ages, children to adults, claiming Christ as their own! Pretty sweet. Monday, we got to host Paula Rinehart, an author and counselor, for a student forum at NCSU. She wrote the book, Sex and the Soul of a Woman. I'm convinced every girl should read it-- where ever you are in life- it applies! It was great having her speak. Tuesday, IT SNOWED! (and yes, a 5 min flurry is worth talking about) and I got to talk to Todd while it was happening! I also got to hang out with my sweet d-group girls and talk about the Word, which was an encouragement to me! Wednesday, I got to have dinner with my precious girls from Bible Study, who I never get to see anymore and are all Seniors in college now! It was such a great time catching up with them and eating Turkey cupcakes! :) Thursday ended with another event at Gateway for some of our pregnant girls. We had a group from one of the campuses present info on maternal health. I really like the times we get to connect with our girls on a more casual basis- like sitting around the living room. (Come see us at Gateway and you'll understand) One of the fun parts of the night was that we all got to see an ultrasound. Pretty crazy to see that little life inside. And the best part of the week... the weekend starts on FRIDAY! Who knows what I'll do? Maybe... hang out with the parents, plan a wedding, go to a dance concert, see an old friend, call Africa, shop... yep that sounds like a good week.

Welcome Back to the other side....

Last week Tim and Kate returned from Africa. What better place to welcome them back to than the beach... at least the water was familiar. We could not have asked for a better weekend. The weather was great, sunny and warm, and all the family was together. We had a really fun time with each other and had so much to praise the Lord for :)

I'm not exactly sure when the Horton family crossed over... but it happened-- we are officially crazy....
I mentioned the whole family was together... well, all but one ;)

In honor of dying leaves...

So, I heard this at our Providence College Ministry Fall Retreat and it really has stuck with me. I guess I should share it... (and a pic for visualizing taken at Fall Retreat last year)

It's fall. The leaves are changing. They are beautiful, and we see God's beauty. We can see his creativity, his majesty, and his glory. They are doing just what they were created to do! But have we really stopped to think about that... What are they doing? They are dying. They are fulfilling their purpose through death. Without their dying, the glory wouldn't be as great.

Sobering thought really. The same is true of my life. Maybe its not necessarily physical death, but dying to myself is necessary. This should not be just once a season, but a daily dying. Through that God gets the glory. Death is no longer bleak, but victory!

1 Corinthians 15:53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory." 55"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" 56The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Happy Fall!