Horton family Christmas 2008

I always enjoy reading other people blogs and catching up on their lives, so now I will recap the past few weeks for all those creepers that make their way here. :) we'll just be honest, I've read yours too.

Sweet Todd returned from Africa right in time for Christmas :) and I spent the week with him and his family in Wilmington.

Big Sister came in from Texas for some time over Christmas.

which meant lots of wedding over break... two weddings to plan in less than three months.

And we got to be Brides together...

Getting a picture with the Christmas tree really just isn't the same anymore. We did have one, really. The angel is there to prove it.
Horton kids, while we all have the same last name :)

Happy Birthday Dana and Jesus, celebrating with the cousins, Becca and Abby

Me and my cousin Hannah got some quality time playing some sort of video game?

and Todd spent a little time in Mt. O :) so glad to have him back!!

The break was great, enjoying family and friends, but most of all knowing Christ's gift to each of us by coming as a little baby to live among us, to die for our redemption, and to give us access to our great God. Truly something to celebrate!


Leah Katharyn said...

And I thought Dana took my card for pics! Nice blog....thanks for your take on Christmas! Glad you shared it with us....Happy New Year! For Real!....

And I just realized I am going to post as you since you are signed in on my computer....And I thought I got it back all to myself....Ha! I guess I'll fix that now...after I identify myself as myself....MOM!...oops

Anonymous said...

you blogged!! bless you!! now, go do it again. i need to know about your lifeeeee, with pictures!! ps---does this mean todd is growing his hair out until april, for one last time before he's married ;)?